Thursday, May 14, 2009

i think that in the end when victor dies, it is supposed to be like he couldnt live with what he did. he made it his goal to find the monster, when i really think that he was searching for reasons why he did the things he did and when he died, the monster will die too. 
i think its really odd that the people who die are all killed by the monster yet victor was the last one to see them. i think that this is a possible hint that the monster doesnt really exist but it is just victor doing this stuff subconsciously. I think that when victor created the monster it was more of that he discovered the monster within himself 
i think that victors fear of the confrontation with the monster is really the fear of a confrontation with himself and the way he really feals
i think that the threat that the monster tells victor after victor destroys the female companion could really be victors fear that all the secret hatred for elizabeth(because she was the reason for his mothers death) will come out on their wedding night
im not so sure that everything that is happening is really happening. I kind of think that this all might be in victors head. i think that when he "wakes up in prison" it could be his imaginations way of punishing him for all his wrong
i think that victors fear about creating a female companion for his creature could be an issue with the genital stage. he is scared of what could come from this mating
i think that the monsters fear of rejection is just like a child's fear of abandonment by their parents
i think that the monster learning to speak the language perfectly is another example of how he could be the super ego. he realizes that it would be the proper thing to do in society, and it might make him a little more accepted.
im not sure if it means anything but i think its odd that when safie comes tot he cottage wearing dark clothes the house almost seems to lighten up. 
i think that if the creature is in fact real he represents the super ego. when he feels bad for stealing the food, he tries to help them out by gathering fire wood for them
as we learn more about the monster i can see the stages he is going through. he seems to becoming more dependent, he is learning quite quickly much like a real child. im not sure if this is just a figment of victors imagination or if there is indeed a monster
i am starting to question why is it that every time victor sees his monster he is by himself. I find it very odd that he was by himself when it was created, when he brought his friend to his apartment the monster wasnt there. now he goes into the woods by himself and he suddenly sees the monster. I also think it weird that the monster just knows where victor is at all times
i think that victor blames his creation for his brothers death because subconsciously he feels that if he was home he might have been able to save his brother
i think that victor listens to elizabeths letter and returns to his home because in a way he is still trying to please his mother even though shes dead because his mother wanted him and elizabeth to marry eachother
Victor uses his studies as a way to retreat from his troubled home life. i think that he blames Elizabeth for his moms death but he doesnt want to blame her because deep down he knows he is supposed to love her
“From the midst of this darkness,” Victor says when describing his discovery of the secret of life, “a sudden light broke in upon me a light so brilliant and wondrous.” Light  is needed for seeing, and seeing helps people gain  knowledge. It can also blind, right after his first use of light as a symbol of knowledge, Victor goes into secrecy and warns Walton of “how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge.”
I think that when victor become ill, it is him realizing what had happened to his mother and how wrong it was of him to create a life
I think that Victor becomes so interested in creating life because of his mothers death. There are some obvious oedipal issues that were left unresolved when she passed away
In the first part of this book, I felt a sense of as if something bad was going to happen. When Victors mother dies, he goes off to study. I think that him studying so much was an unhealthy way of dealing with the death of his mother